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spatial variable meaning in Hindi

spatial variable sentence in Hindi

अवकाशीय चर
spatial    अंतरिक्ष संबंधी
variable    परिवर्तनशील वस्तु
1.For the spatial variables x _ i and the time variable t.

2.The rotation acts on spatial variables, and thus on functions via pullback.

3.Likewise, one can make the surface height itself be a continuous function of the spatial variables.

4.However, when the action pertains to fields, it may be integrated over spatial variables as well.

5.We continue in this fashion until all 1D DFTs have been evaluated with respect to all the spatial variables.

6.:The curl acts only on the spatial variables . talk ) 22 : 59, 22 February 2012 ( UTC)

7.The rest of the wave function is then only dependent on the spatial variable x, hence amounting to separation of variables.

8.Even when measured for a " dummy head " of idealized geometry, HRTF are complicated functions of frequency and the three spatial variables.

9.A spatial model is one that has one or more state variables that are a function of space, or can be related to other spatial variables.

10.The first step is to change spatial variables from the particle position \ vec { r } to the guiding center position \ vec { R }.

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How to say spatial variable in Hindi and what is the meaning of spatial variable in Hindi? spatial variable Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.